Sunday, November 9, 2008


Jordan left yesterday to go back to Washington.....SUCH an emotional day already, and then to add....I sat and watched the pilot of his plane get on and off, squat down and point and look up. Then several more people gathered and did the same thing...So YEAH....Not feeling good watching this!!! After much of that and then "maintenance", they left and hour and 15 mins late, which then meant that he did not make his connection. I actually found out that he would not make his connection before I left the airport. At that point is when my "mini breakdown" started (ya know had to wait until I got to the car to have the full on melt down, as I did not want to have airport security think there is a really crazy person there). So pretty much the whole drive home I was a crying, snotting mess on the phone with Steve, my sister-in-law Kelly, and my sister Susan.

And yes...Jordan did NOT make his connection in Charlotte, but US Airways put him up in a hotel overnight, as the next flight out for Seattle was not until 6:00pm today. And actually, he had a good day today. He went on a little site seeing opportunity in downtown Charlotte, and got to enjoy the sunny warm weather. Which I know is a blessing, because Seattle is now wet, and dreary. And right now as I am typing this I am able to track his flight with this really cool website, that allows you to see how fast, how high, and how much time he has left. And at this moment, he is somewhere over Nebraska. So why in all my emotional chaos, did I forget that no matter what, God IS in control. He knows what he is doing, and I can look at this as a nice little blessing of great weather for Jordan today. Why is it so easy in an emotional time to forget to try and keep looking that God has still got it all under control??? This is as you see, something I struggle with, but I AM a work in progress.

And in all of that back and forth with my emotions, I am reminded that I need to continue to work hard at not being that way, and to find the JOY in the areas that God has for me in everyday life. I am JOYFUL for my family (Steve, ^i^Brandon^i^, Jordan, & Seth), JOYFUL for a the visit with Jordan, JOYFUL for my SAVIOUR, JOYFUL for eternity, and that we will get to see and be with Brandon again (I can just hear him saying...."yep, that is my crying, crazy mom"), and yes even JOYFUL for my emotions!!!

You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. ~ Psalm 16:11


Tonya said...

Hey there, Friend! THANKS SO MUCH for the b'day wishes!!!

I'm sorry to hear about all the flight problems.. ugh.. sounds not so fun.

I hope you have a GREAT weekend!!


Gberger said...

Thank you for your kind note on my blog. It was great to hear that you had a visit with your sweet young man, but I am sorry that you had to say "see you later" to him. Goodbyes, even temporary ones, are difficult. On a happy note, we had a gorgeous, sunny day for him here, today! I hope that he is enjoying his schooling.
God bless all of your family.