The wrap up of summer ended with a fun camping trip to Chincoteague. It was so much fun spending time with family, seeing the wild ponies, eating roasted marshmallows, being outside...& just chillin!
Then it was the start of new seasons...Seth started his junior year in High School...yes I cried (I always do the first day)
As seasons change, it can be so hard for me to move into them. Both naturally, and the seasons of life. I am trying to enjoy each moment (thought I would have learned by now), and embrace the change. Expected and Unexpected. Trying to be STILL in the moment that God has me in. Trusting, pressing in, & like Brandon...NEVER GIVING UP. Sometimes I "get it"...most times, I don't. But non-the-less...I KNOW I am called to keep going, keep reaching for it, and always always always...Trusting and Loving the one who Loves me Most...after all...I am HIS FAVORITE! :-)