Today is
Brandon's Birthday. It is his 24th earthly Birthday, but his 5th Heavenly one. I am not quite sure why....but numbers along with the time really get me. I think back on the 5 years he has been gone, 5 birthdays have passed.

It makes me think of him starting kindergarten. How at the time, those 5 years didn't seem so confusing with time flying by or screeching to an un-breathable halt. I wonder why that is. That everything is filtered through the "before" and "after".

I do know that Brandon would not want me to be in this small pit that I find myself in today. When he was here, he was all about living and having as much fun as his body would allow him.

So if that is the way he was here....I know that he truly is in a place that is
"exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask or think".
PRAISE God that he chose me to be Brandon's momma. The one to be there to see his first breath and his last. The one who got to laugh with him, teach him, help him, raise him, and insure his eternity. Of course there were many others who got that privilege as well. And for that I am thankful too.
Happy Birthday Brandon ~ You and your brothers have made me the mom that God formed me to be!