Ah...but I keep pressing on towards the goal...I AM that work in progress, my life is, my marriage is, and the parent I am is. The two little ones continue to grow and thrive, and they definitely help with keeping us (me) moving. SMILE
Ending with a scripture:
...and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the god of my life. ~ Psalm 42:8
A Kiss from Momma of course!
Your words to me are sweet today--a sore heart in these days before her birthday next week. Just walking it out...on my way home. bless you sweet friend...will pray for you today....THANKS!
Such lovely photos! Your "boys" are wonderful young men. And from what I can see, the little ones are bringing joy and a fresh perspective, even in the midst of "surfing." Isn't it amazing how life in this world is marbled, like ice cream, with the joy and pain all mixed together?
God bless you and your family.
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