Brandon would be 25 today..BUT he is happy healed and abundantly well with his Saviour...and oh yeah...just waiting for us....I can just hear him say.."I told you I would see you in a little bit...come check this out"....aaaah, just a heartbeat away ♥

I believe that it is even more vital to remember that on those days that are so very hard. That this "veil between here and Heaven", is so very thin...and that if we just "press in" we can hear, feel, and smell Heaven, and most importantly feel the very presence and Love of the one who loves us most, and who knew what road we would be called to walk. I believe that God desires for us to just hold onto him so tightly that the "dark places" get pushed farther and farther away. But even in our "human condition"...he is still there holding us tightly, and for me...whispering..."come on...hang on just a little longer, I have so much for you to do, you are more than capable, and all is MORE than okay with your son. The son I gave you, and you him".I love when God whispers in my ear and touches my heart...especially the hard days. And I can always count on him to make himself so very real to me. Thank you God for giving me one of my precious children 25 years ago today....I know he is having fun, and making people laugh...and I will continue to press on, smile, and wait.
~ One of Brandon's FAVORITE Scriptures ~ Philippians 1:21
For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better
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