Hear The Sound ~ :-)
This is our family's journey as we continue to seek the face of Jesus and walk with him as he continues to heal our hearts.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Stands to Reason
I really miss Brandon EVERYDAY....but obviously it stands to reason that holidays, birthday's, ect......IT STINGS even more.
I am so Thankful for many things though. I'll write about them another day.
I am so Thankful for many things though. I'll write about them another day.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Adoption ~ HAPPY DAY!!!!!
The song "Happy Day" by Jesus Culture is one of Desi & Jedidiah's FAVORITES! The LOVE to sing and dance to this....and I am certain that on 8/15/11 ADOPTION DAY, Brandon was singing and dancing with them! :-)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
So MUCH!!!!
WOW...half way into August and the days have been so busy! I feel like I hit the ground running every day. And it has been like that since the end of July. But aaaah...we are starting to slow down a little now (at least I am believing that).
The end of July took us from the fair straight into the busy days of August. On August 3rd, our 7th year of Brandon living in his eternal home waiting for us brought some emotions bubbling up a bit harder this year than in years past. BUT it is GOOD! We had a fun day at a drum corp show in West Chester, and it was so fun laughing and spending the day with some of my favorite guys. The "little"s stayed the night with my parents...and apparently they got started on a special project (more on that).
Then on 8/5...of all weeks to have to be at AI DuPont hospital, I had to take JD up for his post op appointment. And YES...that was very hard! BUT GOD!
8/9 was JD's actual appointment for the tubes to be placed in his ears. Steve prayed us through that, and just when I really thought I was going to "loose it"...the "silly juice" that they gave JD made him silly x's 10! We were laughing so hard at him we had tears running down our cheeks. So yes...even in that...BUT GOD!
Then the very next day on 8/10 I went away for the BEAUTIFUL ONE conference that my sweet husband blesses me with every year. I am so overjoyed to have a husband that shares my heart and the direction that God wants to lead us as a family. That he is able to take the time to be the one there for our children, and has learned how to do his little princess's hair! And I am so thankful for my mom that helped him out when things got a little hectic, and then they could all have a yummy dinner at her house! I am SURE Steve liked that as well! (smile)
And then my sweet husband and good friend Chuck (Laurie's husband, and Hannah's dad) had a most wonderful meal prepared for my friend Laurie, Hannah, and myself when we got home on Saturday evening! And THANKS to CHUCK...I found out my husband could cook A LOT more than SOUP! So you know what that means! haha.
And then there was Monday, 15, August 2011. The "Little's" are now a FOREVER part of our family. It was our ADOPTION DAY!!! It seems so surreal but yet purposed all at the same time. We have a new son...Jedidiah Joel Hastings, and daughter....Desi Michele Hastings. WOW...we truly know that Brandon had MORE THAN a vision for our family when this thought entered his heart and mind 8 years ago. And we fully believe that God surely let him see his new sister and brother. We are so amazed and humbled by all of God's faithfulness in our continual journey of life. As i sit her typing this, I am reminded that LOVE ALWAYS WINS!
Thank you God for LOVING US THIS MUCH!
Steve, Dawn, ^I^Brandon^I^, Jordan, Seth, Joel, & Desi Hastings
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
7 years
Sometimes I can hardly believe that it is possible that 7 full years have passed since Brandon went HOME to wait for us...and surely he will have so much to show us when it is our day. There are many days that I can barely wait for that moment...the moment I get to wrap my arms around my sweet son, kiss him until he says..."okay mom" and see that beautiful smile that his brothers also share.
Even in my hard days I am so so soooo overjoyed and thankful and full of PRAISE that because of Jesus, our future with Brandon is longer than our past! I don't know if I will ever find all of the words that fill my heart with trying to explain the knowing of what my Saviour did for me & all of my family. First that I was even TRUSTED with the awesome job of being the mother of such wonderful Godly sons...Brandon, Jordan, Seth, & soon to be Jedidiah...and let us not forget the PRINCESS...Desi! Wow...God just loves me so much & that is so cool with me!
But that God also trusted me with this hard journey...I can't say that I like it or would have ever signed up for it....but if the only way that I could have ever been a part of Brandon's life was to knowingly sign up for this journey...I know I would have pushed people away to say ..."YES God...choose me"!
Our family is abundantly BLESSED....and I continue to push forward, press in, and BREATHE THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD!!! With the excitement and anticipation of....ONE DAY!
So as we CELEBRATE BRANDON today...I will always encourage you...to smile, have fun, and seek the lover of your soul...JESUS!
It sure would be cool to see ya all there in Heaven with us! :-)
Blessings & Love
The Hastings
Steve, Dawn, Brandon, Jordan, Seth, Jedidiah, & Desi
Even in my hard days I am so so soooo overjoyed and thankful and full of PRAISE that because of Jesus, our future with Brandon is longer than our past! I don't know if I will ever find all of the words that fill my heart with trying to explain the knowing of what my Saviour did for me & all of my family. First that I was even TRUSTED with the awesome job of being the mother of such wonderful Godly sons...Brandon, Jordan, Seth, & soon to be Jedidiah...and let us not forget the PRINCESS...Desi! Wow...God just loves me so much & that is so cool with me!
But that God also trusted me with this hard journey...I can't say that I like it or would have ever signed up for it....but if the only way that I could have ever been a part of Brandon's life was to knowingly sign up for this journey...I know I would have pushed people away to say ..."YES God...choose me"!
Our family is abundantly BLESSED....and I continue to push forward, press in, and BREATHE THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD!!! With the excitement and anticipation of....ONE DAY!
So as we CELEBRATE BRANDON today...I will always encourage you...to smile, have fun, and seek the lover of your soul...JESUS!
It sure would be cool to see ya all there in Heaven with us! :-)
Blessings & Love
The Hastings
Steve, Dawn, Brandon, Jordan, Seth, Jedidiah, & Desi
Monday, August 1, 2011
Breathing God's Faithfulness

Trying to get into that place of Peace.....to be honest...I DEFINITELY have a severe case of 7 year itch! I miss Brandon so very much. I know God is faithful, I know all is well & I do have joy, laughter, peace (most of the time)...and so much that I am thankful for...and great anticipation of our Adoption date on 8/15. But this moment...my heart is missing Brandon with every beat that it takes.
BUT...I will be okay :-)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Deep Breath ~ trying to breathe!

I have so many good things to post and I am so truly thankful for...but today...well, that is just not what is swirling around fully in my mind. I definitely know that I am to bring ALL thoughts captive unto God...and boy am I trying, just wish it was easier for those emotions of my heart to get there when things are hard.
Yes I know that I can look back and see that in some hard times, it has been easy for me to change the emotions of my heart. But today is not one of those days. I promise a change though...just like I know the sun will rise in the east...God WILL show me the path, give me hope & courage...and I KNOW that he See's me...and then I can take a deep breath, exhale...and continue on.....
The Message (MSG)
Psalm 34:18 ~ The Message
If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there; if you're kicked in the gut, he'll help you catch your breath

Monday, March 21, 2011
A little less of that :-( and a LOT more of THIS

Been in a "funk" lately....although it comes and goes from day to day...much like the "tide" from a post back in 2009. I am striving to count my blessings, to be a blessing to those that I love (especially my sweet patient husband Steve), and my children...Jordan, Seth, & the Little's. I want more than to be in a perpetual state of confusion, irritation, and sadness. And I know without doubt that not only does my Saviour intend for that to be my life...but Brandon would probably say..."get it together mom". And you know...it SHOULD be that easy! Thought I would be catching on by now. So not to end on the gloomy note....I am thankful for:
* My Husband of 23 years (March 26th)...I LOVE YOU HONEY!
* That I have the privilege to be the mother of Brandon, Jordan, & Seth
* That God saw to it that I was not done being a mommy...hence the Little's
* My ENTIRE family
* Christian friends that help pick me up.
* Music that fills my soul and feeds it
* Of course God's word and his promises that THIS is not it!
* Other friends to share this journey...and yes I hurt for them, but we are a support system!
In closing...I found out why God had me go back to my Bible from 7 years ago...it was to draw me close to a sweet friend who was such a inspiration to me for many years with the ups and downs with Brandon. Especially the summer of 2004. God knew then, that we would need each other now! I am asking all of you that "check on me"...to lift of this precious family from Texas.. The LOWES...their beautiful daughter Kyndall went home to be with her saviour on January 11th. I sure hope she and Brandon have had the chance to meet! The thought of that makes me smile...even on the hard days!
Passage Psalm 30:5: ~ The Message
The nights of crying your eyes out give way to days of laughter.
Friday, January 28, 2011
So yeah, God has me stretching in area's that I wasn't quite prepared for. One is a little area that I had put away out of reach almost 7 years ago. That is my Bible. Yes I have used other's in these last 7 years....Brandon's mostly, but I sent that along for the ride to California with Jordan (how cool is that to think about), my "Serendipity Bible" that was a gift from my mom years ago, Steve's Bible, one of Brandon's other Bible's (the teenager's edition), and yes I even looked at purchasing a new one. BUT GOD....he always has these other plans...funny, he never thinks to ask me ahead of time (smile ~ sometimes). Anyway, since December I have been hearing the word "BALANCE" from him. So I have been striving to achieve that. And just when I thought I was making the slightest of progress....I heard him tell me to go back to MY BIBLE. It would seem that it would be no big deal, but in my heart it has been. You see this is a book so worn, and even torn with years of searching, seeking & believing. There are prayers written on those pages, dates of those prayers, and some dates of answered prayers. Inside there are drawings by Brandon, Jordan & Seth through the years...notes from them, from Steve and from other sweet people. There are questions to God on how I was to pray for Brandon, proclamations made by me of what I would pray over my family. Standing on promises and then there comes the words, thoughts, and desperate prayers during the summer months of 2004. And then when August 3, 2004 happened...I could not pick that Bible up again. I shoved it on a shelf...never to open again. Until now....
When I took that big breath, and opened it up I saw those same things (a time capsule), but God is also showing me that although my perspective was different then...he did in fact answer all my prayers, see all my notes, and is still working to the good of me...because I love him. I do not yet know why he has chosen "now" as the time for me to go back to using this Bible...but because he is faithful, and I TRUST...I know that it is for my utmost best. And I am fine with that.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Year ~ New Adventures
Hmmm....wondering what God has in store for our family for 2011. The last part of 2009 & all of 2010 brought about significant changes for all of us. The Little's arrived near the last part of 2009, they have now been a part of our family for 16 & a half months. Jordan is now living on the west coast and attending Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Seth is a junior, driving, and just got elected into the National Honor Society, and is busy with swim season at this time. Steve is steady busy with work (thank you Jesus that construction has not slowed at all for the company he works for), and I have been trying to find "my place"....the place that I know that I maintain in our family....but mostly the place where God wants me.
I feel a big shift is about to happen yet again in our family & life.....as if the arrival of the Little's was not big enough. But this one involves more stretching, more trusting, and a willingness to take another HUGE leap of Faith...yes God is shifting us. And that is Good....so with a readiness to listen, learn, & obey, we wait with anticipation & excitement! Won't you come along!
~ It would be so cool if God would give us the "big picture"...one that Brandon no doubt is in on, and excited for the things of God for his family. I can just picture that smile! :-) After all....God knows the plans for our family...plans that include HOPE and a FUTURE...his book (Bible)says so!
Happy New Year & New Adventures to YOU!
Dawn & Family
I feel a big shift is about to happen yet again in our family & life.....as if the arrival of the Little's was not big enough. But this one involves more stretching, more trusting, and a willingness to take another HUGE leap of Faith...yes God is shifting us. And that is Good....so with a readiness to listen, learn, & obey, we wait with anticipation & excitement! Won't you come along!
~ It would be so cool if God would give us the "big picture"...one that Brandon no doubt is in on, and excited for the things of God for his family. I can just picture that smile! :-) After all....God knows the plans for our family...plans that include HOPE and a FUTURE...his book (Bible)says so!
Happy New Year & New Adventures to YOU!
Dawn & Family
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